Job Requirement Seafarers

There are some tips that are commonly done as a requirement when applying for a job are some skills education such as: bst certificate, mc, aff Dll and personal qualifications.

            All companies always demand the applicants abk seafarers no work requirements of the application. If the applicant or abk ship job applicant wants to get the desired and excellent positions, then the applicant must have the following job requirements:

    SKILL - That means the applicant or abk ship job applicant must have the ability (skill) to do something relevant to the work done. Example: Applicant must be able to master English or can operate other machine. If you do not have a better friend sailor learn and deeply about the position that you seek or want.

    EDUCATION - That means the applicant must possess a wide range of knowledge skills and have a sufficient level of education such as having an ANT-D or ATT 3 diploma and other diplomas. As the original sailor certificate and recognized by the state and the world. Do not force a desire that is not enough with a diploma. For example: want to be a skipper on the ship Supply but the diploma is only ANT 5, is not enough and not the qualifications. It is better to apply for enough work with qualifications, and even then there are many rivals among the sailors.

    PERSONAL QUALIFICATION - That means the applicant or job applicant must have good and polite words to everyone. Always look or dress well and neat and also responsible for the work, then the company will definitely assess our performance good or bad. Moreover, as a leader ship on board the sailors must menjungjung high responsibilities and always do the job well and have the atitude or good behavior that will or could be in the example by the subordinates themselves.

Some Words Quoted from: Maihendri Nizar, S.Sos, M.Pd (Lecturer of Maritime Development Academy)

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